Hello Guys,

Have you ever wanted to try lasertag or would you play it in an international team? Come to the next ESN event on Friday afternoon!

If you are ready to fight, but don't want to feel the pain, we have the perfect solution for you: LASERTAG! Run around with a weapon in your hand, crawl up behind the enemy, aim, pull the trigger and shoot to kill. So the born predators among you can finally get the adrenaline rush they most need. Everyone else just can have fun playing.

Place: Laserarena, III. 1033. Budapest, Szentendrei út 95., Building VIII. (http://laserarena.hu/)

Start: 18:00, end: 20:00, 30th October (Friday).

Entrance fee: 2000 HUF. The price contains 2 hours playing.

Meeting: 17:10 at Margaret bridge station of HÉV5, in the underpass in front of the entrance of the HÉV.

If you want to come, you have to apply in the ESN office and pay the entrance fee TILL THURSDAY. After we can't accept your application.
Please note that the places are limited!

Comfortable shoes and dark clothes are recommended! (If you don't want to shine in the UV light :) )

See you there and have fun together! :) 

ESN BME mentors

30/10/2015 - 17:00