Dear Everyone,

We have to talk. We have been through some great parties, pub evenings, cultural and team building events, but this time we are asking your help in a serious topic.

While we are living our everyday life there are people in our world who are fighting against their destiny. In ESN BME we all believe there is a need to give our helping hands for those who are going through hard times. This time we would like to help people by donating our blood plasma.

But what is blood plasma exactly?

Plasma is the clear, straw-colored liquid component of blood that remains after red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and other cellular components are removed.

Once separated from blood cells, plasma can be:
• used in blood transfusions
• separated out into its many individual proteins which are used to make medical products

Source plasma donation and blood donation are critically important activities that contribute to saving lives.

Is donating plasma safe?

It’s totally safe to donate! There are no side effects, just drink enough water beforehand.

How do I get rewarded?

First of all, we get glory for the rest of our life. Seriously. Forever.

Secondly, for every plasma donation, you will get a 4 500 HUF allowance and a voucher worth of 1 500 HUF.

How can I take part?

Please fill out this registration form until 10th February, 23:59:

We will inform you about the details in email!

ESN BME Mentor Team

14/02/2019 - 09:00